Monday, 22 April 2013


This is the questionnaire that i produced and i have had 69 people fill it out, the results will be on a separate post:

Thank you for taking the time to complete this questionnaire. The answers you provide for the following questions will form part of a research project studying the listener’s preference between 5.1 surround sound and stereo music. If you have any queries about this questionnaire please contact:

Occupation: __________________________

Please circle your answers to the following questions:

1. Do you own a 5.1 Surround Sound system?

Yes / No

2. If no, would you ever consider purchasing one?

Yes / No

3. If no again, why do you NOT want to purchase a 5.1 surround sound system?

4. If you do own a 5.1 surround sound system what kind of media do you use it most for? (Please circle a MAXIMUM of 3 answers)

Games / Film / Television / Radio / Music

5. Do you own any music material that is in 5.1 surround sound format?

Yes / No / Don’t Know

6. Given the choice would you rather listen to your music in 5.1 surround or stereo and why?
Stereo / 5.1 surround sound

7. How do you currently purchase/access most your music?
Download / Streaming / CD / Radio

8. How do you currently listen to the majority of your music? E.g. Ipod etc.

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